Accessing The Eternal You

Since our birth, there has been a "watcher" sharing our journey. Like a movie screen, it's the pure canvas upon which the "movie" of our lives is projected.  Like a movie screen, it is not the "movie". It is clean, pure, and free, of the movie. Any number of movies can be projected onto it, yet it has no sense of loss or attachment to any person, belief, dogma. tradition, or family. It is the only part of our existence that is constant. We're referring to this "watcher", when we say "I am". From the moment we're born, there is an "us" that we know. This "us" is still awareness, witnessing the drama of our lives, it witnesses even our mind. It is the only part of our existence that has not changed. Everything added to the statement "I am" has (and does) change. Everything.

Whatever we add to that statement changes and is therefore, not us. For example,  "I am Sahar". I've changed my name many times, although no one name is more "me" than another. Or "I am a man". How real is gender? Or our bodies, for that matter? Biology is sooo changeable.There is a species of frog (the "common reed frog") that has been observed to change their sex organs from female to male.This occurs when the population does not have enough males to allow procreation and is accomplished when a chemical trigger activates the sex gene to disintegrate the female organs and develop the male ones. Now that's a handy little trick!

To live fully in the Truth of our Being lies in recognizing these temporary phenomena and detaching from our identification with them. Do any of these lines from Talking Heads "Once In A Lifetime" ring a bell?

 "You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
You may find yourself in another part of the world
You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
You may find yourself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife
You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?
You may ask yourself, how do I work this?
You may ask yourself, where is that large automobile?
You may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful house
You may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful wife

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was

You may ask yourself, what is that beautiful house?
You may ask yourself, where does that highway lead to?
You may ask yourself, am I right, am I wrong?
You may say to yourself, my god, what have I done? 

Into the blue again, into silent water
Under the rocks and stones, there is water underground
Letting the days go by, into silent water
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was.

Transcend The Temporary

This song elucidates our external search: longing for the right house or car or wife. In time, we may recognize that those ideas we had of happiness, being sourced by a thing or person, were misguided. When we recognize how we have placed our focus in absolutely the wrong direction, we start to listen within. We find that there is a "silent water", that this water is the "same as it ever was". It is experienced as a blissfully still awareness. This "Water" is the Force Of Life within, and to the extent that we let go of the reins of our lives and allow ourselves to be inspired by It, does our journey down this "river of life" become more beautiful.

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for.

—The Elders Oraibi
Arizona Hopi Nation

Join us in the ecstasy of song, today: January 29th, at The Center For 
Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa. This free evening of chanting will be from 7-8:30

Feeling Trapped Or Stuck? Ready For Freedom?

Ever feel trapped, like you have absolutely no choice? As though you're completely stuck in this addiction/ relationship/ job or life?  In this blog, I offer assistance in freeing yourself  from this "prison".
First, I invite you to consider that your present experience is a result of the way you think about yourself. Swami Muktananda said "The world is as you see it". Said another way: "You are the way you see yourself".

How Did I Get Stuck?

As very young children we made significant decisions in relationship to the main authorities in our lives (generally, our parents).  These decisions were based upon the degree to which we felt loved and accepted as the unique and beautiful beings we were. Each decision was a "brush stroke" in the creation of a "picture" that we painted. This "picture"  became our own self image.

With parents who were in conflict, we may have made decisions about how to behave in order to feel safe. These decisions lead us away from our natural spontaneity, to believing that we had to determine our life's course based on perceived  circum-stances. Eventually these decisions made up our outlook on life. From this outlook,(or  self-written "manual" for our life) we have learned to strategize and prepare to defend/ hide/ oppress/ or seduce and manipulate people and  circumstances. The extent to which we identify with our "manual"  (disallowing other possibilities of perception)  is  the extent to which we are invested in or attached  to specific outcomes. This leads to a life of expectation and disappointment.

In our first few years of life, we shifted from our natural state of being internally based and pro-active (experienced as "Us as Life"), to being externally based and re-active (experienced as "Us separate from Life" or even "Us against Life"). Consequently we frequently become complacent, living out an existence of struggle.  

Until we recognize this "manual", it will dictate our every thought, word and action. It will remain subjective and we will never question it's validity or whether we could choose differently from it. Fortunately, the more aware of this "manual" we are, the more objective it becomes, and the less influence it has over our choices.

Gaining awareness of the "manual" is key. How do we do this?

In a previous blog, I referred to the Vedantic practice of  "Not this, not this". The practice is one of recognizing all that is temporary (including the "manual"). Whatever remains is of a permanent nature and therefore, the Truth of who we are. It's about identifying our attachments and investments. To do this become aware
of the areas in your life where you want results. . The area of relationships may be the easiest to recognize where we are invested in results. Take a moment to reflect:...
Think of a person in your life and ask yourself the following questions:

Are you in this relationship to get a certain kind of attention?
What needs are you attempting to get met in this relationship?
Are you in a power struggle with this person?
Are you making them your "project"?...meaning are you invested in them changing or "growing"?
If so, what do you tell yourself will be your reward when they change or grow into the person you want?
Do you feel yourself to be a better person when you're with them?
Are you are looking for a certain kind of permission from them (for instance, permission to engage in a certain behavior or activity)?

Now, think of an activity in your life and ask these relevant questions:

Are you engaged in this activity because of what others have told you you should do?
To what extent is this activity an escape?  From what or whom?
Do you experience joy, vitality, peace, or love when engaged in this?
Or is it a promise of some later reward?.
Are you engaged in this activity because you are wanting for something / someone to change?
Are you engaged in this because it's tradition?
Are you engaged in this activity out of a belief that by doing it you are more deserving?

This is a process of recognizing all "self-generated" thoughts. Thoughts born out of the belief that you are separate from life, alone in the world, misunderstood, and consequently, that life is struggle. When you recognize these thoughts and no longer give them your attention, you then hear "fresh" thoughts, not based on reaction, belief, or history.  There is a deep peace and joy that accompanies these "fresh" thoughts.

One teacher of mine said,  "become aware of this "manual", don't try to change it, don't even try to minimize it. Just let it be." When I asked his awareness of the influence of his "manual" in his life, he said "Its  influence is like a fart in a distant galaxy"! He lived a life of great inner freedom. He was fun too!


'A man of peace is not a pacifist, a man of peace is simply a pool of silence.
He pulsates a new kind of energy into the world, he sings a new song.
He lives in a totally new way his very way of live is that of grace, that of prayer, that of compassion.
Whomsoever he touches, he creates more love-energy.
The man of peace is creative.
He is not against war, because to be against anything is to be at war. He is not against war, he simply understands why war exists.
And out of that understanding he becomes peaceful.
Only when there are many people who are pools of peace, silence, understanding, will the war disappear.'

OSHO, from: 'Zen: The Path of Paradox, vol II'
- See more at:

'A man of peace is not a pacifist, a man of peace is simply a pool of silence.
He pulsates a new kind of energy into the world, he sings a new song.
He lives in a totally new way his very way of live is that of grace, that of prayer, that of compassion.
Whomsoever he touches, he creates more love-energy.
The man of peace is creative.
He is not against war, because to be against anything is to be at war. He is not against war, he simply understands why war exists.
And out of that understanding he becomes peaceful.
Only when there are many people who are pools of peace, silence, understanding, will the war disappear.'

OSHO, from: 'Zen: The Path of Paradox, vol II' - See more at:“A Man of Peace is Not a Pacifist” by Osh

More Extraordiary Abilities

Last week, I opened the door to one of many areas of our existence that is shrouded in doubt and suspicion.
This "shroud" alone is one where those who have "out of the ordinary" abilities may well be afraid of a witch hunt if they were to reveal them.n Fortunately, people are now trickling out, revealing remarkable (some might define as) "miraculous" abilities. This week, I want to expose you to more remarkable people, that we may allow for the possibility that we have available within us, a Power of Infinite Possibility. I share this information that we may let go of our perceived notions of limitation and open to the World that has been heretofore labeled as "Magic".

Change The Weather

As our governor is considering making a formal declaration that California is in a drought, many consider what can be done to bring the rains. I ran into (walked into really) a friend yesterday, who had just returned from a ritual, with the intention of bringing rain. Another friend had been to a ritual on Saturday, lead by a Tibetan Rimpoche, with the intention of bringing the rains. We've all heard of "rain dances", well here's a person who's job it is to change weather:
Cut and paste the link into your browser.

For 3 years, I hosted monthly drum circles at the coast. It's a cosmic combination, being on the beach, around a fire, with music, drumming, and dance. During many of these events have I experienced this weather changing phenomenon. I remember one evening, whilst drumming around the fire, it was raining all around us, but NOT ON US! In fact, there was a "hole" through the clouds directly overhead, where we could see the stars!!! Cosmic indeed!

Animal Communication

What do St Francis & Dr. Doolittle have in common? Yup, they both communicated with animals. Well, this next woman is astounding in her ability to "talk with the animals". Take a look: 
You may wish to cut and paste this link into your browser. 
Cure Cancer
What if we could cure cancer NOW? What if the ability existed NOW? Are you 
skeptical? If so, why? Because it's "miraculous"? Something is only miraculous
when we don't know how to do it. Consider airplanes, telephone and the internet.  At one time  
these technologies might have been assigned to the realm of "magic" or even "witchcraft".
Well, I invite you to join me now in witnessing an end to cancer:
You may wish to cut and paste this link into your browser.
As you witness this remarkable phenomenon, what do you think and feel? Are you
suspicious? Why? Could your suspicion be getting in the way of recognizing 
abilities of your own? 
Have you ever experienced healing happen at an accelerated rate? I've had the
privilege of assisting people through accelerated healing, whether through
relieving the excruciating pain of kidney stones or being free of the addiction
to smoking cigarettes. Here's a statement from a woman with kidney stone pain.
"Sahar has tapped into something powerful - the ability to use rhythm, sound, and 
energy to get to the heart of the matter. I have experienced his gifts in an almost 
magical way. He helped me regain my health when I had been suffering with what
appeared to be kidney stones. I walked in weak and hurting, and walked out whole.
I can't explain it, but I sure can attest to it". ~ Venus Maher
I don't list this testimonial to "toot my own horn", but to acknowledge how 
accessible this Power Of Infinite Possibility is. 
If it happened through me, it's available through you as well. 

I gotta tell ya that when I suffered (and ooohweee did I suffer) from kidney stones,
I was also exposed to the use of rhythm and sound in my healing. My wife Rebecka
drove me down to the Oakland Kaiser, where exists a million dollar machine that
performs something called Lithotripsy. I was given a Valium a few minutes prior to
the procedure and asked to wear one of those silly gowns, that exposes your butt.
I laid down on this machine, while one person directed this long arm (that looked
like a dental x-ray machine) towards my kidney stone. They proceeded to pulse
sound waves into the stone and within 46 minutes, they had dissolved it! Now just 
how COOL is that?!?! The irony was not lost on me, that I, a rhythmicist, was being healed
using sound waves in a rhythmic pulse! After the Lithotripsy treatment, I put my clothes 
back on and my wife drove me home. Just 20 years ago, people would have scoffed if I had
told them this story. Twenty years ago, I would have been in the hospital for as much as
two weeks, during which time I would have had at least one invasive surgery.
As I share with you this technological means of dissolving kidney stones, be aware of your
level of acceptance to this as compared to any suspicion you may have upon witnessing
video of the group's dissolving of a cancerous tumor 
Some years ago, I read a few books purported to be channeled  from Pleidians. 
(During this time, I felt as though I was in the presence of unseen beings. But that's
another story.) I was fascinated by reading their observation that we invent tools to
remind us of what we are naturally capable of. They said that we created the microwave
oven to remind us that nothing is solid; that everything is made up of matter, which is made
of energy. We created the electric light, that we might go out into the dark and no longer 
fear it. We created the telephone and the internet to remind us that we are telepathic. 
                           What's next? 
Access the Wealth of Strength, Creativity, and Joy within you

It is my profound honor to assist you through whatever passage you are traversing, to a  deeper
 awareness of your innate worth, and the recognition and expression of your unique Gifts.

Through February, I offer new client sessions on a donation/ barter basis.
I'm available for sessions by phone, Skype, or in my Sebastopol office.

 "Much gratitude to Sahar for reminding me who I am and how I want to be in the world: 
an expression of Divine love. Sahar is an amazing counselor both emotionally and spiritually
(as well as so many other things!). Working with him has transformed me."  ~ Sue Deanne
 "You allowed me to look deeply into the intricacies of how I function, discovering truths 
which I hadn't realized. This is accelerated therapy that gets to the core of the truth. -N. Grace 
"... allowed me to learn about who I really am and what I want in life."  -P. LaDeau
 "You prepared the space for growth that set the stage for breakthrough experiences."
          -Dawson Church, co-author of Heart of The Healer with Norman Cousins

Join us in the ecstasy of song, Wednesday, January 29th, at The Center For 
Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa. This free evening of chanting will be from 7-8:30pm. 


Extraordinary Abilities

When I was just a wee thing, my 7 year old sister lured my 6 year old brother up to the roof with the promise that he would be able to fly, just like Mary Poppins (whom they had just witnessed taking flight, with the aid of her way cool umbrella). My sibs proceeded up to the roof, with their "special" umbrellas in hand. With my sisters statement " I'm right behind you. You first", my brother took flight......for all of .5 seconds. Needless to say, his broken arm was all that he was able to show for it.
This fantasy is one of many, that as kids, we longed for (or perhaps remembered the freedom of living outside the learned  "box" of our perceived limitations. In this two-part article I'll share some stories of peeps living outside that "box".

Superheros Today

Fifty years ago, Stan Lee created a few super comic peeps. Remember the Fantastic Four? I loved those comic books. My favorite was The Flame. he could turn himself into flames and fly! Lee also created The Hulk, Spider Man, and Iron Man. Well, fortunately he has set his sites on searching out real super humans. In fact, he has found quite a few people with very impressive abilities. I invite you to take a look at these people, all of whom he has filmed and studied, who are truly extraordinary.

A man heats his hands with his mind to 200 degrees:
A blind man who sees better than those with sight:
A Samurai with amazing skill:
A man who makes any animal sleep with chi:
A man who computes faster than computers:
A man who lasts in cold while others would die:

Our Extraordinary Abilities

On a more personal note, I have a couple stories to share with you from my life. In my early 20's, I lived in an ashram. One morning, I left the ashram to pick up a friend at the airport. He was to arrive at 5:30 am. About 1/4 mile before the off ramp to the San Francisco Airport, I noticed an overturned tanker truck in the center divide. Immediately, I found myself on an "ice rink" of an oil slick. The car was spinning out of control in a clockwise direction. I saw another car spinning towards and then past me. As I was about to descend over the side of the road into a ditch, at about 45 miles an hour, I yelled "Om Namah Shivaya"! with all my being. These words were my mantra at the time and my way of proclaiming "Holy shit, God help me!!".
The car stopped spinning and gradually reversed direction. It gradually aimed itself at the off ramp and stopped. I drove off. I arrived at the airport only to learn that my friend's plane was due the next day!!!
When I returned to the same section of freeway, I found the traffic to be diverted away from it because the tanker had exploded into flames and was actually melting the freeway!
In that experience I realized the power of focused intention. I aligned my entire Being into one exclamation, with the effect of having a car stop its 45 mph turn on an oil slick! After this monumental moment, rather than feeling fear, I felt great Peace and Power; an inner Knowing of the Perfection of Life. I was given a Gift. One that revealed the Infinite Possibility that is human life.

One time, on a camping trip with my eldest son Julian and our friend Lionel, we had hiked up to a beautiful summit.Whilst enjoying the gorgeous view, I pulled out 5 dice and some Yahtzee cards. I told them it was my intention to summon all my focus on the dice turning up the very best hand possible for each turn. You guessed it, the first hand, the dice came up all sixs, the second time, they turned up all fives, then fours, then threes, then twos, then ones, then three of one and two of another! Each time we were (as you can imagine) flabbergasted!

Fire Walking

Ever been to a fire walk? On three separate occasions have I experienced this extraordinary phenomenon. After two hours of instruction followed by guided meditation and discussion, we headed out to a ginormous fire. The coals were spread out into a swath about 12' wide and 30' long. Even spread out, the coals created tremendous heat. I could see waves of heat wafting from them. We were told that the key to firewalking was to walk when (and only when) you had a complete "yes" to going. The "yes" was not to impress another or to prove something to yourself. What a great lesson for life!
When I had the "yes" I walked across the 12' section. WOW WOW WOW! I walked on super hot coals! The feeling was so deeply empowering that it changed my life. I knew that if I could do that, then the rest of my life was a "cake walk"!

My wife Rebecka, relates a story about an extraordinary moment when playing cards with a friend.
"We were playing a card game, I dealt the cards face down and he picked his up. For a fraction of a second I saw through the cards, as though the paper wasn't there. I saw an Ace of Spades. I said "That's the Ace of Spades". Not liking that she knew his card, he told her to "Deal them again".

I have always been fascinated with superheros. In part, my fascination is my desire to recognize my own abilities, beyond my accepted norm. Although, when asked if I could choose one super power, I must admit it's the ability to make others feel love. Maybe it's not as "cool" as seeing through walls, but that has been the one that has lit my way.

I invite dialogue around this topic. What extraordinary ability have you experienced yourself and/or witnessed expressed by another? All you super humans, come on out of the closet.